Do you want to be an investor abroad? Tr عربي Dealer Login Full of Confidence7 Years History Why a-box ? 2a-box is a fastcharging system2Quick Charge 4.0 andoffering PD supportfast charging technologies2Don't bother with bugs!within 24 hoursservice guarantee2A+ service foryour guestsand customers3Customers don't bother withthrowing money, they just needto plug the cable into their phone4You can charge more thanone phone at the same timewith a single device5Devices are smaller,lighter and moreaesthetic as there isno coin chamber6You can set the timeand price settingas you wish7You will not be exposed tounnecessary money swallowingcomplaints of your customers9You don't have toprovide coins toyour customers10Your business will earn4-5 times more profit thancoin operated devices 1111161621616 1400 Device 147 Location 7 City 4 Country Do not deprive your customers and guests of this comfort, call and let’s talk. (0505) 755 16 55